Mistress Phoebe Pretty

Mistress Phoebe, Blackpool Dominatrix Blog

Blog and News

My New Year’s Resolution

Has to be to tell more people to buzz off!

I'd prefer to use another word, but I'm not sure whether I can post that on these sites. But I'm sure you can all imagine what that word is.


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All I Don’t Want for Christmas is to be Dumped

It's a long time since I've been dumped but I can generally remember the signs that the impending doom is coming. And, yes, last week my fears arrived just in time for Christmas.

It would…

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The Wrong Timing!

Have you ever had all that you wanted but just at the wrong time, like seriously at the wrong time?

I have too many spinning plates, too many tabs open, too many men, too many options and too…

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Mr. Pushy

Last month I blogged about Mr. Manipulator and this month it's Mr. Pushy! Why do I meet all these people in my private life?!

When I first met Mr. Pushy, I thought we would get along but knowing…

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Blocking Mr. Manipulator

Over the years, it seems like I've become quite fine tuned to spotting someone with malevolent intentions. But that's in my work life and unfortunately I'm not so sharp in my personal life, especially…

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Punk Weekend

Last weekend was the weekend I always look forward to every year. I have someone who always comes to see me during this week and he told me that I have no idea how much he looks forward to seeing me…

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Plans for the Next Decade

Next year will mark the 10th anniversary of this job. I can't quite believe that. I remember when I'd been doing this for a year and that doesn't seem that long ago! It's the longest time I've had any…

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When the Stars Align

I'm not sure I believe in fate. I think I used to more when I was younger, but I still believe things happen how they're meant to. Not so much along the lines of everything happens for a reason, sort…

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I have long believed in the powers of telepathy. Whenever someone pops into my head all of a sudden they usually get in touch within the next few days. I used to have a friend who believed in this,…

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In a Relationship ...

People often joke about how you know whether you're in a relationship by how often you have sex. I was a huge fan of Sex and the City when it was on television and I'm sure this subject was in their…

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